Bonjour Bloggy,
I want to introduce my favorite website. Its Omegle, From this web we can chat with random strangers. You can chat via text or webcam. I often used my webcam. When you used omegle, you can meet other people from other country. There’s bad and good people. My friends, Carlos Rueda from California told me that Omegle build up someone so bad, because sometimes you found bad guy who always show his cock. Disgusting. You must disconnect if you find guy like that. I have friends from other country, its really cool because I can know his/her culture. I wanna introduce my friend. He is Mert Gunduz. He comes from Turkey. He is really cute and always makes me smile. I got chrush with him haha because he is romantic guy. He loved my long hair. His sister is funny girl. She said hello to me and then kiss her brother. She thought that me and Mert such as couple. But we don’t. Yes sometimes I kiss him from emoticon. So old story, you know. Here some printscreen when I catch him on MSN.